Our Ministries

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is an important outreach ministry at First English Baptist Church where children come together to have fun singing songs, playing games, making crafts, and learning about God and the Bible. The goals of VBS are simple: to share the good news of Jesus Christ with children, to let children know that church is a good place full of people who care about them, and to encourage Christian children to grow and stand firm in their faith.

The VBS verse is I John 4:9: “ God's love was revealed among us in this way: God sent His One and Only Son into the world so that we might live through Him. “ We want children to know the love of God and learn to live out their lives through Him.


FEBC has an active puppet ministry with annual programs that are very well attended and greatly enjoyed by young and old. Starting with a core of custom built puppets by Dr. Gerry Snelson and costumer Norma Jean Johnson and several others, the collection has grown to include commercially manufactured puppets that allow us to stage bigger productions. Our scripts are original writing by Pastor David Sandvick and others who bring a zany humor to the stage that makes the little audience members giggle and the older ones guffaw. These light-hearted shows have the Christian message at heart and promote human kindness, understanding, and the value of all in God’s kingdom. The pre-Christmas season show features all sorts of music and involves everyone who has an interest in participating. Our Christmas Eve service always includes beautiful live music and a narrated nativity dramatization with commentary by our resident bigger-than-life mice, including the two, Luminos and Sparky, who always face some new challenge (and who help to frame the accompanying illustration). The nativity puppets are constructed from scrap lumber from the construction of the Education Building and Fellowship Hall. The puppet performance precedes the candlelight conclusion when cast and audience members fill the aisles and ring the periphery of the otherwise darkened sanctuary with their candles in one of the most touchingly beautiful moments of the holiday season. This special service is our highest attended of the year. You are cordially invited to join the puppetry team in any capacity in which you believe you can make a contribution.

Grace Notes The “Grace Notes” is an Engish handbell choir comprised of eleven ringers under the direction of Leesa Blank and Candy Sandvick. “The Grace Notes” began several years back when a generous endowment by the family of the late Mary Wiebrecht made the purchase of the bells possible. We have taken the bells to nursing homes on several occasions, and once to a wedding, but our major ministry is to the worship of God in church. Today, four of the original ringers remain to help perform special music on a monthly basis during the morning services.{We have come a long way since our earliest efforts at “Holy, Holy, Holy,” but we always welcome new ringers to our ranks.


The Chimes, our children's hand chime choir, currently includes students from elementary through high school who are serving God with their music. Founded by Sally Blank, the Chimes are under the current direction of Amy Densmore. The Chimes play seasonally during the morning worship service.

Drama Team

The Drama Team: The annual Easter performance is depicted in this collage. In addition to the Easter play, First English Baptist Church’s drama team, under the inspired direction of Lynne Bowman, presents the beautiful Christmas story every Yule season.


Blending their voices together to create a joyful noise before the Lord, Lynn & Darrell Bowman and Candy Sandvick are the members of SonShine.  The purpose of the SonShine ministry is to allow the light of God's love, His Son, Jesus, to shine through them.  Ministering at First English Baptist,nursing homes and other churches, Lynn, Darrell and Candy have been singing together for nearly 10 years.

Violin Trio

The Violin Trio is made up of Sally Blank, teacher and grandmother, and two of her granddaughters: Amie and Katie Blank.

Shut-in Ministry

Pastor David Sandvik is pictured here visiting a church member whose health prevents her from attending regular worship services. Visitation provides a continuation of connectedness to the Body of Christ that is so important in any church. The pastor, along with a member of the deacon board (or other concerned members of the church), also visits with shut-ins when they are hospitalized, and with members in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Pastoral duties often take Pastor David far from the building!