About Us

As Southern Baptists…

We believe in the verbal plenary inspiration (thoughts and words) of the scriptures, and that it is divinely inspired in the original languages in which they were written.

We believe there is one and only one living and true God. He is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal Being, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe. The eternal God reveals Himself to us through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that man was created by the special act of God, in His own image and free from sin in the beginning. Since the time of Adam’s sin, all people are born into sin and possess a sinful nature.

We believe that salvation is only through accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. It is through Christ’s sacrifice that we find forgiveness and eternal life.

We believe that the New Testament church is God’s means of working in this age. It is comprised of baptized believers who associate themselves with it. It observes two ordinances: baptism and communion.

We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. We believe that true believers will ultimately reside with Christ, while unbelievers will ultimately be consigned to Hell.

We believe it is the duty and privilege of every believer to make disciples of all nations.

Here are a few words from some of our members…

Amie Blank
Amie Blank - Age 11

I love going to church every Sunday morning. The thing that makes me love this, is the church I go to, First English Baptist.  The thing I love the most is that the people there are always happy to see me. From the minute I walk in the door I feel loved.  This feeling is the best!  Also, I look forward to seeing the entertainment that week.  It would never feel right if there was a week without someone singing, playing instruments, etc.  These things mean a lot to me.  When I am sick or out of town and I miss church then that messes up my whole week because I am so used to going.  Some people hate waking up early every Sunday morning but not me. Every Sunday I look forward to going to Church.  It means nothing for some other people to go to church, but for me it’s the total opposite. First English Baptist Church means the world to me. I would hate it if I didn’t go there.

Even after serving this local church for more than fifteen years, it is not easy to define what I believe about this church. Doctrinally, I can say I am a true Baptist and do hold all those fundamental beliefs as stated in our doctrinal position. It is in seeing the church as a body of believers in Jesus Christ that my beliefs become less dogmatic and much more personal. I do believe that each person is a special creation of God, unique from all other persons on planet earth, and that a number of those unique people have chosen to worship this awesome God here at First English Baptist Church. I believe that each person counts in God’s kingdom and in this local body, and it is part of my purpose to help those individuals fit in and find ways to serve and minister within the body of Christ. FEBC tries hard to give children, the elderly, the shy, the tired, and the disabled opportunity to be a part of sharing the good news of Jesus through our church and to minister wherever they are able. I believe that we are making a difference in our community by making God’s Word and a relationship with Christ part of our everyday lives and by sharing the gospel by every means possible. I believe that we will continue to be relevant in years to come for God’s kingdom through our desire to embrace God’s plan for us in the future and not to fight against it.

If you are seeking a Bible-believing church with a strong sense of family and community, I invite you to worship with us.

Dr. Gerry Snelson
Dr. Gerry Snelson

I have been a member of First English Baptist Church since I was twelve years old and made public my belief in a risen and redemptive Christ by walking slowly from my back-row pew to the front during an altar call, as the congregation sang “Just As I Am.” I find it hard to believe that the time was more than a half–century ago… but it was. Today, as fifty years ago, I am proud to be a Christian and a member of the First English Baptist Church (FEBC). At FEBC we accept a set of doctrinal statements that can be found elsewhere on this page. Because we Baptists are also Protestants, we believe in the “priesthood of the believer.” That means that each of us has the responsibility of making Bible study a personal duty. Each of us interprets the Bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the help of the pastor. Each of us has had an experience in which we recognized our own sinfulness and utter unworthiness. We accepted the promise that “whosever believeth in” Jesus Christ “shall not perish but have everlasting life.” And we made public that acceptance and were eagerly accepted into the fellowship of the church with baptism or transferal of church letter from a like-minded church.

Beyond that, we make certain assumptions about our church: We know that when we go there we will hear the Bible preached and made relevant to our daily lives. We know that the church will nurture us, teach us in spiritual matters, guide us in moral and ethical matters, baptize us, unite each of us in marriage with his or her spouse, and bury us when that day comes. In the meantime, it will offer us the opportunity to serve and to give, without putting us under any pressure to do either. It will remind us to participate in the democratic process by exercising our right to vote without giving us the least counsel on how to cast our ballots. It will give us the opportunity to participate in the development of a dynamic body of believers who are the church. And it will do the same for all who come through its doors.

The First English Baptist Church has stood with me through good times and bad, and even though I moved away from Frostburg from time to time and for brief times worshiped in other churches while I was away, I was always a member of the church and was always remembered in other members’ prayers, always supported in every way. When, many years ago, as a recent college graduate, I was nearly killed near Baltimore in an automobile accident that broke my neck and smashed my face, members of my church back home sent me money, flowers, cards, and their heartfelt prayers. When my father died too young, the church upheld my mother and us children. And more recently, when my wife underwent major surgery for cancer, the women of the church sent food for supper every night until we were able to take care of ourselves, and many others sent cards and prayers then and long after.

So when I go to church, I am not just going some place to worship publicly. I am going home.

Gerry Snelson is Professor of English and Associate Chair of the English Department at Frostburg State University.